1. Testing Summary
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These tests were conducted on a sample of the equipment for the purpose of demonstrating compliance with Part 15. All tests were conducted using measurement procedure from ANSI ANSI C.63.4 2014 as appropriate.

1. Overview
H.B Compliance Solutions was contracted by Integrated Solutions, Inc. to perform testing on the IONaer 7000 under the purchase order number 7493.
This document describes the test setups, test methods, required test equipment, and the test limit criteria used to perform compliance testing of the Integrated Solutions, Inc., IONaer 7000. The tests were based on FCC Part 15 Subpart B Rules.
The tests described in this document were formal tests as described with the objective of the testing was to evaluate compliance of the Equipment Under Test (EUT) to the requirements of the aforementioned specifications. Integrated Solutions, Inc. should retain a copy of this document and it should be kept on file for at least five years after the manufacturing of the EUT has been permanently discontinued. The results obtained relate only to the item(s) tested.

2. Test Facility
All testing was performed at H.B. Compliance Solutions. This facility is located at 5005 S. Ash Avenue, Suite # A-10, Tempe AZ-85282. All equipment used in making physical determination is accurate and bears recent traceability to the National Institute of Standards and Technology. Radiated Emissions measurements were performed in a GTEM chamber (equivalent to an Open Area Test Site). In accordance with §2.948(a)(3), a complete site description is contained at H.B. Compliance Solutions. Test facility H.B. Compliance Solutions is an L-A-B accredited test site. The L-A-B certificate number is L2458. The scope of accreditation can be found on L-A-B website www.l-a-b.com
3. Description of Test Sample
The Integrated Solutions, Inc. IONaer 7000, is an electronic air purification unit that generates negative ions – and was specifically designed for use in residential, commercial and industrial applications. Unit is intended to be installed in duct systems, air handling units or furnace plenums.
4. Equipment Configuration

5. Support Equipment
All support equipment supplied is listed in the following Support Equipment List.

6. Ports and Cabling Information

7. Method of Monitoring EUT Operation
Customer provided with instruction to monitor the device. For Generator connect the AC Power. Unit will operate and a Blue solid light will indicated full power. For the Display unit plug the A/C adaptor. Check the “Pairing” screen which shows the MAD IDs of the generator. A sensor unit was also provided to monitor the ION levels. LED were observed to show all other digital circuit were operating.
8. Mode of Operation
The EUT will be configured in its normal operating mode.
9. Modifications
9.1 Modifications to EUT
No modifications were made to the EUT
9.2 Modifications to Test Standard
No Modifications were made to the test standard.
10. Disposition of EUT
The test sample including all support equipment submitted to H.B Compliance Solutions for testing will be returned to Integrated Solutions, Inc. upon completion of testing & certification